Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia

“Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.”

Saber Ben Hassen
The majestic Sydney Opera House

My time in New Zealand finally came to a close, after three amazing months of seeing almost every corner of the country. Blogging has been more difficult than I had anticipated, with too many activities happening for me to keep up with the blog in chronological order, so I’ve decided to skip ahead to my Australia adventures to stay more up to date with my stories.

Cool architecture in Sydney

I left Christchurch about a week prior to the devastating shootings. It broke my heart to hear of the news, and I can’t believe something terrible like that happened in such a serene country. My thoughts go out to those affected.

Victorian buildings standing tall

I had a smooth flight to Sydney on Virgin Australia airlines. The three and a half hour flight touched us down in Sydney in the early morning, with gorgeous sunrise views. I was so excited for a new country!

These kind of cute Victorian railings were everywhere in the city

But what I couldn’t wait for the most was seeing my mom, who was meeting me in Australia for a 10-day vacation! I had been getting quite lonely and homesick and just wanted to be in the arms of my family.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge

When we finally saw each other, we both burst into tears, hugging each other for a prolonged time. You would think it had been years since we last saw each other, but we had missed each other so much.

Eucalyptus trees in the park

We dropped our bags off at our hotel in the city, and then wandered around the city center. The thing that stood out to both of us was the smells of eucalyptus and magnolia flowers all around.

Rowers under the Anzac Bridge

The close-knit houses all had lovely victorian balconies. And food everywhere! There were small restaurants all around, primarily of the Asian variety. We walked by the Chinatown district of Sydney, smelling lots of mouth-watering dishes. Basically no matter the hour of day, the little restaurants were always bustling with customers.

Seafood on the harbour, yum!

I loved the vibe of Sydney, and being in a busy city was quite different than what I had gotten used to in New Zealand. There were lots of harbors, and it reminded me of San Francisco in the United States, one of my favorite cities.

Some sweet artwork by the park

It surprised me to see that the Opera House was somewhat beige in color, rather than pearly white. Nonetheless, it is an outstanding piece of architecture and I would never tire of taking photos of it.

More shots of the Opera House

Unfortunately, I had fallen ill once again on that first day of arriving in Sydney. My mom, who had been flying for over 18 hours was much more chipper than I, not really showing signs of jet-lag. My flu-like self however, wanted to pass out.

All sorts of birds in the city center, enjoying a snack

It was so nice having my mom there to take care of me. I had missed being spoiled, and my angel of a mother enjoyed making me tea with ginger, honey, and lemon all day. I wanted to rest up a bit, so we had an easygoing following day. In the afternoon, we watched Bird Box on Netflix, which really had us on the edge of our seats.

Sunset over street artwork by our hotel

Blue Mountains

Enjoying the sunrise on our drive out of the city

The next day, we rode a huge coach bus with large windows and plush individual seats, on an all day trip to the Blue Mountains. Our first stop along the way was to Featherdale Wildlife Park.

Driving over the Harbour Bridge on a busy morning

Right upon entry, we saw adorable wallabies running around and looking for attention from humans. These creatures were absolutely charming and walked right up to you, sniffing your feet and placing their paws on your legs. I loved interacting with them.

Look at that face!
Mama wallaby with her baby
Pelicans wandering about
Did you know koalas sleep 18-20 hours a day?
A koala living his best life
Kangaroos have such interesting bodies
Wild birds love the wildlife parks for free food

The Blue Mountains are rightly named, with vivid blue panoramas for us to see. We stopped at a lookout point to admire the Three Sisters rock formation and enjoyed a few walks in the area.

Don’t be fooled by the cute face of the wombat, they are quite the predators
Little blue penguins up close
Feeding kangaroos and wallabies

In the afternoon, we rode some touristy rides in the park. The first was a cable car over a large canyon, then a large gondola, and finally a passenger rail.

The Three Sisters rock formation up close
Enjoying views over the Blue Mountains
The Three Sisters and the Blue Mountains behind

The rail ride was incredibly steep, considered to be the steepest passenger rail in the world, and at 51 degrees, it felt like you were vertically riding down the mountain.

These seats compensate for the steepness of the ride

My mom is incredibly fearful of snakes, while I of spiders, so we cautiously strolled through the park, vigilant of our surroundings. Luckily we never saw either creature, but every rustling sound we heard, we would gasp and even screamed out at one point, like such tourists.

Look how steep this railway is!
Wild bush forest

Everyone I had spoken to before going to Australia had set me up to believe that there were large man-eating spiders at every corner so that is what I was expecting. Granted we were were in a touristy park, but I think there may be less spiders that I had been anticipating in Australia.

Towering trees in the park

Arriving back to the city center, we were keen to get an eagle eye view of the city from a tower. There is the Westfield Sky Tower, a touristy location, but we opted for a rotating bar on the 47th floor of the Square Tower. The bar area consisted of large windows where you get great views of the city.

A pleasant walk through the forest on a boardwalk

We didn’t realize in the beginning that it was a rotating bar, and when we first noticed that we were moving, our hearts stopped for a moment thinking that the building was tipping over. Then we saw that the floor underneath us was moving, and you eventually can see the whole skyline no matter where you are seated.

A cruise back to the city on the Sydney Harbour

We were happy we chose to go to this bar rather than the Westfield Tower because we were the only tourists, and got to enjoy snacks and drinks.

Reflections of the buildings in Hyde Park

Sydney Beaches

Gordon’s Bay

The next day, we took advantage of the sunny warm day to go explore the famous beaches of Sydney. My friend Susan whom I had met in Queenstown lives in Sydney, and left us her snorkel to borrow for the day.

Enjoying the crystal clear waters of Gordon’s Bay

First we went to Gordon’s Bay. This spot had relatively few people and we got to enjoy a quite couple of hours in peace. The water was a pleasant temperature, and I waded in with the snorkel to explore.

We saw clams, crabs, and even rats on these rocks

I had never really snorkeled before, and it was a mesmerizing experience! I saw so many different sizes of fish, seaweed, sea grass, rocks, corals. There were little crabs and shells everywhere as well. The water was crystal clear and I loved swimming in it.

Snorkeling adventures

I later learned that there are sometimes bluebottle jellyfish in this bay, which is probably why there were so few swimmers, and I’m certainly glad I did not encounter any.

The beautiful beach of Gordon’s Bay, a hidden gem in Sydney

We then walked along the Coogee to Bondi boardwalk to make our way towards Bondi Beach. Our next stop was Calloway beach, and again here, I waded into the water and snorkeled around.

My mom enjoying the sunny day in Coogee

There were even more corrals here and some really large fish, and I loved swimming around. Normally I have fears of deep water and not knowing what is in the water, but the snorkeling really helped me diminish my fears.

The beautiful coast line of Sydney

We saw lots of surfers during our walk on the large waves, and I was jealous of them. The closer we got to Bondi beach, the larger and more crowded the beaches became.

Coogee Beach boardwalk
A lovely beach day

When finally reaching Bondi Beach, we saw thousands of people in and out of the water. I understand why Australia is considered to have some of the best beaches in the world; the sand was golden yellow, the waves are a perfect size, and the clear water is neither too hot nor too cold.

Surfers enjoying the Australian waves
Enjoying the Pacific Ocean from Australia
Fun rock formation on Bondi
There is a pool overlooking Bondi Beach!

In the evening, we met with Susan for dinner at a Thai restaurant. It was so nice seeing her again and the three of us had a great time eating and drinking. In Australia there are many restaurants that let you bring your own bottles of alcohol, which I think is great! 

The large and crowded Bondi Beach

Sydney Botanic Gardens

Passing the Sydney Hospital courtyard

On our last day in Sydney, we strolled through the city once more and explored the Botanical Gardens. I was very impressed by the enormous gardens, as there were so many species of plants and flowers.

Admiring the flowers at the Sydney Botanic Gardens
A majestic cactus
A smaller, but still majestic cactus

We saw lots of bats hanging from and flying around trees, circling above our heads. It was a bit scary, but they never flew near the ground thankfully.

The succulent garden in the Botanic Gardens is impressive
The plant life is quite different on this side of the world
Sculptures in the park
Bats just hanging around
It’s a bird, it’s a plane..
Batman is on his way
Koala love
The herb garden
The clouds cleared up to give us these dazzling views of the Harbour Bridge

We took a quick ferry to check out Manly, a beachy town north of Sydney. It reminded me of Miami and there were lots of people out on the buzzing Saturday night. We rode the ferry back as the sun was setting behind the city, making for some beautiful views. 

The Opera House and my mom
More views from a different perspective of Sydney
My beautiful mother enjoying the ferry ride
Surfers galore on Manly Beach
This is all you see of me when I surf

My mom and I really enjoyed ourselves in Sydney. The vibe of the city was awesome, the food was great, the beaches were awesome, and the boat rides were pleasant.

Lots of cruise ships depart from the Sydney Harbour
Entertainment on the Harbour

There are lots of activities to do and a great public transportation system. By the end, we were experts on the bus routes. I would say Sydney is in my top 5 favorite cities, and I would even consider living there!

The sunset behind Sydney


3 Replies to “Sydney, Australia”

  1. Amazing photos as always! The one that really stuck out to me was the “Enjoying the sunrise on our drive out of the city” one though. Is that just a single photo, or a composite of two? I’m leaning towards the former which makes that particularly awesome!

    1. Thanks so much! Yes I love that one as well! It is one photo, and we were in a bus with tinted windows on the sides. So I had perfect timing to get the sunrise on my left with the pink tint and then the opera house straight ahead 🙂